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Get Affordable Dental Implants in Mexico Today

Dental implants are the most advanced method of replacing lost teeth. In this technology, a screw made of titanium is placed into the bones of the jaw. This screw plays the role of the tooth root. After this, the bone is allowed to heal and bond with the implant. Once this process is complete, a special receptor known as an abutment is mounted on the screw and a tooth crown is fixed on this abutment. Voila, you now have a new tooth! 
This process can be conducted by an orthodontist. It will require multiple visits to their office during the period of treatment. You can get affordable dental implants in mexico. These implants can be used to replace a single tooth or many of them. 
After the crowns are fixed, the implanted teeth look exactly like the natural ones. If you have lost teeth, don't lose hope. Dental implants are effective in restoring your beautiful smile!

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